Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Chapter 6 : I'm Glad You Liked It by Haruki Murakami

Introduction to the writer:

1. He was the most experimental Japanese Novelist.

2.     Haruki Murakami was very much attracted by the western writers and their culture and literature.

3.     He was very prolific writer of the 20th century who was from the middle class.

4.     His father was a school teacher and a monk.

5.     His female characters were extrovert and feminist natured.

6.     His famous novels are: Hear the Wind (1984), Norwegian Wood and Collection of Short Stories was after the quake.

7.     His latest work is "Kafka on the Shore".

8.     He likes to include female characters in the novel and short fiction.

9.     He wrote fantasies blog, fiction, essay, which are very popular for the Japanese readers.

Summary of the text:

1.     "I'm glad you liked it" is a text which has been extracted from IQ84 (Pronounced as 1984) by Haruki Murakami, who is a famous Japanese Novelists.

2.     There are major three characters in this text: Fuka-Eri, Tengo as well as Komatsu:

a.     Tengo: Tengo is a maths teacher. He taught three days a week at the Cram shool, and got together once a week with his married girlfriend. He in an unpublished novelist, drifting rather aimlessly through his life, with no clear sense of purpose or ambition. He spent doing housework, taking walks, and writing his own novel. His full name is Tengo Kawana. He is the second of the novel's point-of-view characters. His mother died when he was very young, his earliest memory is of his mother in bed with a man who was not Tengo's father.

b.     Komatsu: A 45-year-old editor of publishing company. He lives his daily life on his own schedule, seemingly oblivious to the rhythms of people around him, and often calls Tengo in the middle of night. Although Komatsu enjoys a great professional reputation for his competence, he is not seen to be an amicable person. Life is known a little bit about hi beyond the rumors. Is full name of Komatsu Yuji.

c.      Fuka-Eri: A slight but striking 17-year-old high school student whose manuscript "Air Chrysalis," is entered in a literary contest. She is extremely reticent, with an unusual, abrupt way of speaking; and what seems to be an apathetic view of life. She also suffers from dyslexia and struggles in school. Her pen name is taken from her real name Eriko Fukada.

d.     Professor Ebisuno: A man in his mid 60s who is the Fuka-Eri's guardian. H has an apartment in Shinanomachi. He used to work in Academia alongside Fuka Eri's father before Mr. Fukada went with 30 of his students to start Sakigake.

3.     The particular text begins with the Komatsu, an unscrupulous and cynical editor, who asks Tengo to rewrite a story by 17-year-old Fuka-Eri so that it can be considered for a major literary prize.

4.     Tengo realizes he's entering into a devil's bargain. But he's so taken with the story that he is unable to resist Komatsu's offer. The novel 'Air Chrysalis' becomes an immediate best seller, attracting towards the wide spread media attention over to it. By rewriting the works in Air Chrysalis novel, Tengo has got the opportunity to improve in this writing and language style which he feels very glad about it.

5.     Again, the editor has given the another task to Tengo that he should be preparing the Fuka-Eri for the press conference which Tengo has to be doing it truly by questioning and answering to her about the probable questions and told to Fuka-Eri to be kept completely secret aout his direct involvement in reqriting the novel, Air Chrysalis which Fuka-Eri too agreed on it. And the Novel or this particular text ends up with Tengo and Fuka-Eri returning to their own home.

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