Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Politics, Education, and the Labour Pains of Linguistics in Nepal by Kamal Prasad Malla

 Introduction to the author

1.     Kamal Prasad Malla was born in 1936 AD.

2.     He is a professor emeritus of Newar studies at Tribhuvan University, where he was previously university rector.

3.     His research has touched upon many aspects of Newar history and language, including writing a grammar of the Kathmandu dialect, and serving as editor-in-chief of a comprehensive dictionary of classical Newar.

4.     His works include "Linguistics Studies in Nepal (1975), the Road to Nowhere (1979), Classical Newari Literature: A Sketch(1982), The Newari Language: A Working Outline (1985), The Profane Names of the Sacred Hillocks (1996) "A history of Nepal by JOhn Whelpton (2006) and so on.

5.     He played the role of teh author, editor and others.

Summary of the text:

1.     This text is a speech delivered by Kamal Prasad Malla, the founder president at the 25th Annual COnference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal.

2.     The writer has presented the different difficulties and problems for the eshtablishment of Department of Linguistics under Tribhuvan University.

3.     On Dec, 27, 1971, when the institute of Nepal has set up, the faculty members called the meeting and discussed to prepare about the working paper on the formation of Department of Linguistics along with the Nepali personality as well as British Council Lecturers of English language.

4.     They focused on the three sets of linguistics: A dictionary of Nepali technical vocabulary, Linguistic Survey of Nepal and finally the research fellowships in Descriptive linguistics.

5.     The meeting concluded to give the six scholarships for foreign study to qualified and interested Nepali scholars.

6.     A small committee was made which drafted the Tribhuvan University Act, 1970 and proposed a network of connection with regional colleges as well as affiliated colleges which came in the fourth 5-year plan (1964-74).

7.     There is the dramatic change took place in the field of history of education.

8.     Some of them can be listed in the points below:

·       includes the formation of plans

·       various acts were implemented

·       associating with the various projects

·       focusing on the special linguistic issues, agreement and in the matter of linguistics

·       made the revision in the English curricula at the intermediate and Bachelor level, separating the literary courses from the language course

·       A British language specialist was supported by UK to teach the English proficiency of the students.

·       Find the poor language skills of the students and provides the remedial courses as well as training courses to the teachers.

·       This ups and downs had gone to implement the linguistics department in Tribhuvan University which they go on challenging it.

·       The writer stated the bitter experiences that he has got in the field of linguistics

·       The writer talks about the graduate students whether they will fight in the global trade market or not.

·       There is the continuity of the collective efforts in the development of Nepalese linguistics.

·       The writer focuses to train the teachers and youth so that the disciplines will take its root and flourish well.

·       Preserving the various languages as well as keen interest and commitment to the discipline.

·       The writer was against the slogan of "Free Higher Education"

·       Thus, the writer states about his curiosity and deeper interest to learn about the linguistics and then culture

·       States that labor pains in the birth of linguistics department in the Tribhuvan University.

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