Monday, July 9, 2018

What are nature of psychology ?

Psychology is the science of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experiences as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and a social science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases.
The nature of psychology can be defined as a science and art as follow:
i.                    Psychology as a science:
  Like other natural sciences such as Physics and biology, psychology is an empirical field of study.
  It is a systematic and controlled study which is based on testing of hypothesis through experimentation
  Like a science, it emphasizes on search for truth rather than its utility.
  It has both pure and applied sciences like other sciences.
  The investigations in the field of psychology yield generalize laws which may be applicable in similar situation.
  The findings in psychology are brought out in an experimental setting.
ii.                  Psychology as an art:
  It deals with individuals whose characteristics are unique.
  It studies behavior of organism which is always lacking consistency.
  It is based on subjective analysis because of the behavior of individuals.
  The findings can be generalized to an individual up to a limited extent because of individual differences.
iii.                Psychology as a positive science:
It is descriptive science rather than prescriptive science. So it is positive science.
iv.                 Psychology as a study of human behavior:
v.                   Psychology as based on experimentation:
vi.                 Psychology as approximation in generalization:
vii.               Psychology as a developing science:

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