Monday, July 9, 2018

What does mean by Psychology ?

The word, ‘Psychology’ is derived from two Greek words, ‘Psyche’ and ‘Logos’. Psyche means ‘soul’ and ‘Logos’ means ‘science’. Thus psychology was first defined as the ‘science of soul”.
According to earlier psychologists, the function of psychology was to study the nature, origin and destiny of the human soul. But soul is something metaphysical. It cannot be seen, observed and touched and we cannot make scientific experiments on soul.
In the 18th century, psychology was understood as the ‘Science of Mind’. William James (1892) defined psychology as the science of mental processes. But the word ‘mind’ is also quite ambiguous as there was confusion regarding the nature and functions of mind.
Modern psychologists defined psychology as the “Science of Consciousness”. James Sully (1884) defined psychology as the “Science of the Inner World”. Wilhelm Wundt (1892) defined psychology as the science which studies the “internal experiences’. But there are three levels of consciousness – conscious, subconscious and the unconscious and so this definition also was not accepted by some.
Thus psychology first lost its soul, then its mind and then its consciousness. At present only its behavior exists. William McDougall (1905) defined psychology as the “Science of Behavior”, W.B. Pillsbury (1911) and J.B. Watson (1912) also defined psychology as the science of behavior.
Behavior generally means overt activities which can be observed and measured scientifically. But one’s behavior is always influenced by his experiences. So when we study one’s behavior we must also study his experiences.
Psychology should, therefore, be defined as a “science of behavior and experiences on human beings” (B.F. Skinner)
According to Crow and Crow, “Psychology is the study of human behaviour and human relationship’”.

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