Monday, July 9, 2018

What are the objectives of educational psychology?

Educational psychology helps in realizing the goals of education. It helps primarily in answering questions of ‘how’ and ‘when’. It helps the student of education and the teacher in understanding human nature so that he may be able to motivate and direct learning and growth and conduct. Educational psychology has to enrich the educator himself by changing the learner’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, ideals, standards of values and conduct along with improvement in the quality of instruction.
i.                    To grow conviction in the usefulness of the science of educational psychology.
ii.                  To assist in defining and setting up educational objectives and standards in terms of desirable behavior and organizing educational situations in which such a behavior may be brought about.
iii.                To assist the teachers in treating their pupils with sympathy and understanding and to create positive attitude towards learning.
iv.                 To provide a body of facts and principles this can be used in solving problems of teaching.
v.                   To aid in providing the teacher with a better perspective for judging both the results of his own teaching and the educational practice of others.
vi.                 To assist the teacher in giving the necessary facts and techniques for the analyzing child’s behavior to facilitate adjustment and growth of personality.
vii.               To assist in setting up, defining and maintaining progressive teaching procedures, guidance programmers and functional forms of organization and administration.

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