Saturday, July 7, 2018

Essay on 'Importance of Education'

Importance of Education
Education is a lifelong process which can be regarded as the light of life. It makes our perspectives broader and helps us stay enlightened. It opens up a world of new opportunities or solutions to our daily life problems.
Education is a life-long process of recharging our minds with different ideas, information, and experiences. Education may be of various types including formal, non-formal and informal. Education with formal boundary, timing, pre-determined objectives and subject matters is formal education whereas education without such limitation is non-formal education. But informal education is more situation and lifelong education which is totally unplanned and which may be inspired by any kind of activities performed in real life situations.
Life without education is very narrow, limited and dark. Education provides us with perspectives, understandings, and solutions to our daily problems. When we are educated, we become more competent, confident and more adroit in dealing with real-life situations. We are no more afraid to talk in front of people because we already possess the ability to make people understand us. We become more effusive and effective. Similarly, nothing will make us sad and depressed because we have already accepted the fact that anything might happen to our life at any time.
Education makes us able to conceptualize the ultimate destination of every living being regardless of the name and fame they own during their life. As a matter of fact, educated people are no longer afraid of problems, disasters and ultimately they are ready to face the storms of life such as lackings, endings etc. This makes the life of people more stable and valuable even when the whole world ends up rounding up in the circle of uncertainty. Educated people are more calm and altruistic because they are able to grab the highest degree of satisfaction and self-esteem in their life. They are enlightened since they remain stable in spite of the constant ups and downs they overcome naturally. Educated people talk less but mean more. They do not prefer to debate in pointless discussions. That is what they get from education.
We learn different languages, skills, behaviors, morals through education. We grab specific skills and we develop our own unique styles through education. Education makes the master of some sort of field or skills. It means we become more competent in any one or more disciplines by education and become qualified to perform actions. We can get job opportunities, make our own brands or start our own business because of education. When we have insight into our mind about making a change, nothing can stop us. Similarly, education is very important in becoming more important in the world.

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