Friday, November 24, 2017

Four stages of writing Journal Article

Stage 1: Pre-writing:
i. Preliminary stage of writing journal article
ii. Finding ideas in various ways reviewing related literature, reading
various sources
iii. Observe and analyze the periodical in which we are publishing our
article, its stylistic requirements and format.
Stage 2: Text development:
i. Actual writing stage
ii. Start with the topic and end with conclusion
iii. Topic, abstract, introduction, key words, body, conclusion all
iv. Making the writing objective, factual and coherent
Stage 3: Revising:
i. Critiques and feedback from colleagues
ii. Revise focusing on unity, accuracy clarity, brevity, consistency and appropriateness
Stage 4: Final Editing
i. Edit and proof read
ii. Consistency needs to be checked.

Also Read: What is editorial?

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