Friday, November 24, 2017

What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing it is a cultured, formal, cherished writing.
Features of Academic writing
·         Academic writing is generally linear which means it has one particular theme.
·         Every part of the writing contributes to the central theme.
·         Primarily its objective is to inform the audience.
·         Its features are formality, objectivity, explicitness, accuracy, consistency, precision, complexity, hedging, responsibility,
Ø  Formality: formal, no colloquial words and expressions, no jargons and contraction (they're, he's, etc), third person rather than first person perspective
Ø  Objectivity: objective and factual rather than subjective and personal, information based on research;
Ø  Explicitness: information clearly and explicitly expressed.
Ø  Accuracy: accurate in the use of vocabulary items, no ambiguous items.
Ø  Consistency: use of style in writing is consistent, no deviation, for example, while referencing one of the three styles (MLA: modern language association; APA: American Psychological association; and Chicago Manual) can be used but not all together.
Ø   Precision: all facts and figure clearly and precisely expressed.
Ø  Complexity: relatively more complex; lexically, grammatically and semantically dense and formal; use of clauses compound, complex sentences.
Ø  Hedging: hedges are language items used when the writer is uncertain of something being expressed, for example, approximately, I think, etc.
Ø  Responsibility: the writer is held responsible for all the facts, justifications, evidence and claims made in the writing

Also Read: Differences between academic and non-academic writing
Also Read: What is plagiarism?
Also Read: What is newspaper article?

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