Friday, November 24, 2017

How to use Quotations in the text?

  1. Quotation marks placed around entire quotation rather than only around particular sentences. 
  2. They are placed immediately before and after the quotation or quoted words or statement as "..............". They never occur alone. 
  3. When some words from the middle are removed, three dots
  4. "..." as are used to indicate the omission. 
  5. The original statement can be manipulated and then quoted in case it originally does not fit into our context. 
  6. If only a few words are striking, we can only quote them paraphrasing the rest of the statement.
    When some confusing words are quoted, their easier counterparts can be given in the brackets. 
  7. When more than fifty words are quoted, we need to indent the text five letter space on both sides.

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